Wednesday, December 11, 2013

essence of christmas

"essence of christmas"

Christmas is a time to renew bonds of love. It's a wonderful time when loved ones can show appreciation for each other. It's also a great time to use that love to build bridges of understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness. 
I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round, as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow pas-sengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. 
Christmas is best enjoyed when it isn't centered on decorations, gifts, or festivities, but when love is at its core. Love is the essence of Christmas. Christmas should mean taking quality time with your family and friends. It's about cherishing and celebrating the love you share. —Jesus
O little Babe of Bethlehem, though You lie so still, You awaken in us the joy, love, and peace that You wish to spread throughout the world.
Christmas is a time to see the world through the eyes of love. It's a time to remember that the world is made up of people like us and to see them for who they are inside. All have problems like we do, no matter who they are or where they come from. 
Every day is like Christmas for us because Jesus is so good to us every day, but this time is extra special because He pours out His love in extra measure. We feel His love from loved ones, acquaintances, and even strangers. There's just something about Jesus' birthday that turns people's hearts and minds to peace and love and goodwill. It brings out the best in everyone because it brings Jesus out, and He's the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+

Thursday, December 5, 2013

equal rights equal opportunity

equal rights equal opportunity

The cost of passing up the next best choice when making a decision. For example, if an asset such as capital is used for one purpose, the opportunity cost is the value of the next best purpose the asset could have been used for. Opportunity cost analysis is an important part of a company's decision-making processes, but is not treated as an actual cost in any financial statement

These nouns refer to a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances. Opportunity is an auspicious state of affairs or a suitable time: "If you prepare yourself . . . you will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears" (Eleanor Roosevelt).
Occasion suggests the proper time for action: an auspicious occasion; an occasion for celebration.
An opening is an opportunity affording a good possibility of success:waited patiently for her opening, then exposed the report's inconsistency.
Chance often implies an opportunity that arises through luck or accident: a chance for us to chat; no chance of losing.
break is an often sudden piece of luck, especially good luck: got his first big break in Hollywood.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

climate change

climate change
Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change is caused by factors such asbiotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as "global warming".[1]
Scientists actively work to understand past and future climate by using observations and theoretical models. A climate record -- extending deep into the Earth's past -- has been assembled, and continues to be built up, based on geological evidence from boreholetemperature profiles, cores removed from deep accumulations of icefloral and faunal records, glacial and periglacial processes, stable-isotope and other analyses of sediment layers, and records of past sea levels. More recent data are provided by the instrumental record. General circulation models, based on physics, are often used in theoretical approaches to match past climate data, make future projections, and link causes and effects in climate change.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

science club celebration

Here you will find everything you need to know about Young Engineers & Science Clubs Scotland, organised by SCDI.  The purpose of the programme is to engage young people in practical, exciting, hands-on science and engineering activities and to enthuse them to pursue a career in science, engineering and technology.
We have a network of over 700 science, engineering and technology clubs throughout Scotland, from Orkney to Dumfries with a membership of more than 12,000 girls and boys. This site will tell you what Young Engineers Clubs are all about and what they can do for you - whether you're a young person thinking about a career in science, engineering and technology, a teacher looking for resources to promote STEM, or a company who wants to form positive links with education and invest in the engineers of the future.


Teachers should conduct this reflective activity with learners in the target language. However, when working with beginners, it is better to discuss learning in the native language rather than not at all. When this is the case, the outcomes can be summarized in the target language and displayed on a poster for future reference.
For teachers of ESL students, it may be unrealistic to use the native language of the students. In this case, teachers should use visuals and brief, English phrases to model student expectations. To assist beginning English language learners, teachers should have students choose from pictures that describe feelings and reactions. They can also be given a word bank from which to complete phrases and sentences instead of creating sentences on their own.
The capacity to express one’s self reflectively is an important part of proficiency in any language. As learners become more proficient, teachers should ensure that student reflection is conducted increasingly in the target language. This will stimulate further growth in language proficiency.
Look at the student reflection activity below and decide how you would complete the statements yourself using the LinguaFolio Training Modules as your topic.

Monday, October 7, 2013

my modern hero

There are far more than ten modern heroes that can be found in the world today. You can begin looking right at home at your family. A mother or father that takes the time to make a life for you, they are heroes. A soldier going to war to protect your freedoms is a hero. The pastor at the church is a hero. The doctor that saved a life is a modern hero. The person that gave their money to help another is a hero. There are many heroes all you have to do is look around you.


When my friends asked me to write again, I decided to start my compilation with something meaningful, a themed essay for the My Teacher, My Hero theme, contrary to last year wherein I had a hard time choosing who to pay tribute to, this year is much different, it was easy and I believe, it is the most obvious choice.
Everyone has someone to keep them on their own feet as they walk through life. Normally, it would be your parent or friend, but mine is different, I had kept myself intact with the help of a teacher. Teachers are usually there to impart knowledge and give you an opportunity to move on with life, I was blessed to have someone during my  highschool days who takes time to make sure that I was okay and the strength to hold on to when everything else went astray
I first metmrs. aporongao as my teacher back when I was in second Year  , back then, things were just inside the classroom – lectures, quizzes, exercises which brought my confidence back after losing my scholarship during the previous term but things turned different when I was in my Third Year and he became our thesis mentor. He turned out to be the #1 Supporter to what we have wanted in the first place. Despite both parties having to adjust to the situation of having a part-time mentor last year, we both exerted effort to follow-up and communicate with each other. Since I was always doing the documentation portion of most our projects, I was the one responsible for making follow-ups with the mentor, which happened to be Mr. Pineda. I took it as my responsibility to stay late, meet him after classes for checking and even go straight to his FEU Main class just to finish the proposal for our thesis. Unfortunately, our second term was cut short after failing the proposal defense – but when things thought that it was the end of our mentorship with mrs. aporongao, we were wrong.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


ito ay inilalahad bawat taon at may ibat ibang tema o mga gustong ipahayag ng ating pangulo isa na dito ay ang pondoThe President's speech had three main topics: 
1) Economic initiatives
2) Peace and welfare
3) Tackling corruption

The President touched on expansion on farming and fishing, which I will let pass without comment since I trust that there are improvements there. Ironically, for a rice producing country, the Philippines still imports rice. It is one of highest, if not the, highest importers of rice in the world. In 2010, it imported 2 million tons; in 2012 it was just 500,000 tons. In 2010, native rice production was 15.7 million tons and in 2012 18.5 million tons. I'm not worried about any inability to feed the people. 

Noynoy at least called out examples of the government's sheer incompetence and tendencies for local governments to pocket funds. For example, the Ternate-Nasugbu Road, that's supposed to connect Cavite, Batangas, and Metro Manila, is only six kilometers long but took 20 years to complete. President Noynoy promised not to let any more problems be inherited by the next generation.

Another interesting point raised is the lack of essential government manpower. There were 250,000 police and soldiers in 1986 to serve 55 million Filipinos. In 2013, there are still only around 250,000 to help deal with the problems of 96 million. Less than 1/4th of a million instruments of public order for close to a hundred million people. Why hasn't it been increased? Surely there's more than enough ready manpower for the task. Because government workers are naturally given pensions, and Social Security is hemorrhaging funds heavily. Both the government GSIS and private SSS lack funding because of unwillingness to raise contribution rates in the face of already low per capita incomes.

Peace in Mindanao? Well, that's still a 'we'll see' from me. 

Making corrupt politicians pay? As long as the Maguindanao massacre remains unresolved, I fear trust cannot be given. Among the dead were 34 journalists gunned accusedly down by the Ampatuan family in election-related violence. When the police cannot provide protection, perhaps the Magdadatu family hoped that journalists, being noted nationwide, would somehow shield them from being permanently harmed. That did not happen. The hue and cry has been raised, but how long before the wheels of justice can turn? 

2013 has been a good year for breaking traditional political dynasties, however. Yes, that's also funny, coming from a nation with the second such Presidential child.) 
Many government posts long predictably been traded off between members of the same influential family have been occuppied by new faces in free and electronically-authenticated elections. Tampering with vote machines is harder than messing with the counting of physical paper ballots, huh?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


The Department of Education (DepEd) and the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) lead the Celebration of "Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa" on August 1-31, 2013, highlighted by the "Linggo ng Wika" in the first week of August, to focus on the significance of "Filipino" as the national language, as provided in the Philippine Constitution.
This year's theme is "Wika Natin ang Daang Matuwid," with five sub-themes: Wika Natin ay Wika ng Katarungan at Kapayapaan; Wika Natin ay Laban sa Katiwalian; Wika Natin ay Sandata Laban sa Kahirapan; Wika Natin ay Wika ng Mabilisan, Inklusibo, at Sustenidong Kaunlaran; and Wika Natin ay Wika sa Pangangalaga sa Kapaligiran.
Every year, government agencies and institutions of learning hold varied activities such as essay writing contests, exhibits, and parades in celebration of Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa. The first "Pambansang Kongreso sa Wika" will be held on August 19-21, 2013, at the Ateneo de Manila University, by the DepEd and KWF, in coordination with Department of the Interior and Local Government, the Commission on Higher Education, the Civil Service Commission, and the Ateneo Department of Filipino. President Benigno S. Aquino III will address the conference on August 19, 2013, the Birth Anniversary of President Manuel L. Quezon, the "Father of National Language." The "2013 Dangal ng Wikang Filipino" will be conferred on individuals who have contributed to the enrichment of the national language and other Philippine languages, and the "Gawad KWF sa Sanaysay" on winners of the annual essay-writing contest.
Celebration of the national language started in 1946, when President Sergio S. Osmeña Sr. issued Proclamation No. 35 designating March 27 to April 2 each year as "National Language Week." On September 23, 1955, President Ramon F. Magsaysay changed the date of the celebration to August 13-19 of every year in honor of the Birth Anniversary of President Manuel L. Quezon. President Corazon C. Aquino issued Proclamation No. 19 on August 12, 1988 proclaiming National Language Week on August 13-19 every year. President Fidel V. Ramos issued Proclamation No. 1041 on January 15, 1997, declaring the whole of August as "National Language Month."

Monday, July 22, 2013

essay for the month of nutrition

                         "Gutom at Malnutrition Sama-sama natin Wakasan"

this month the month we are celebrating the month of july or it is well known " as the Month of nutrition" the theme is gutom at malnutrition sama sama natin wakasan" malnutrition is the main protagonist this year and Good nutritional value is noted when man or women, benefits from a well-balanced dietary intake,in a normal organ development and function, normal reproduction, growth and maintenance,and working efficiency, resistance to infection and ability to repair bodily damage or injury., a well-balanced diet, daily exercise, and practice of discipline reveals the necessary things one must have to attain good nutrition.Eating the right amount and kinds of food like green leafy vegetables,and other food vitamin supplament everyday is a tremendous contribution of nutrition to prevention of diseases and other well known risk to death. to much calorie intake has been demonstrated to bring about an impairment of physical efficiency, low production output and poor muscle strength and endurance. these causes lack of nutrition or else heart failure.Vitamin deficiency affects physical fitness and well-being. Protein deficiency results to muscular weakness, fatigue and overall work performance.Proper nutrition is the very thing we need now. Our existence will mean a lot as well as our goals if we can utilize this. some of the farms as of now are being manifested by harmful chemicals to the mixture of minerals added aas a supplament of plants.If only we can set aside every earthly distraction and pay close attention to health and life, then every man and women and even the future child  can wake up each day facing the new hope of the golden sun and providing the wellspring of progress in the world. the nuttrition month can be probihitted for, i'm happy to celibrate the nutrition month to be healthy in our body so let's enjoy this activities in our healthy life style.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


         Greetings to you SIR!

               MR. President i like to say that thank you for being a President of our country, it's a very challenging situation to you. but we can do for you are to pray and help by our discipline in our selves as a student and a citizen of our country i hope that the some poor man will be help by your projects.

                I"m Jerome Christopher Serapion from I locos Sur National High School a fourth year student once again MR. President THANK YOU. 

                                                                                                                     Respectfully your's
                                                                                                                     Jerome Christopher Serapion